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In English – En Español ⬇︎ – In Italiano ⬇︎

Katia Novella Miller
Claudia Snitcofsky
Diana Balderrama

E N G L I S H 

KBNBWorldNews is a global, independent, free, non-commercial media platform born in 2016 with the intent to provide objective and ethical information, stimulate critical thinking and promote reflection on current and past issues of broad interest.

We publish reports on topics mainstream media does not cover and give voice to the voiceless. Currently we publish a report every two or three months.

KBNB’s topics are analyzed from various perspectives, political, historical, cultural, psychological, ideological, philosophical, environmental…We believe we can’t comprehend our present without understanding our past, other people, our minds, our feelings, our emotions and the interconnection among cultures and nations and we believe that ethical people concerned with Truth and Justice have no national or linguistic borders.

Embracing and building bridges of cultural understanding. Our reports are currently available in two Western vehicular languages (English & Spanish) and in Italian to provide information to a wider audience of readers and to overcome cultural and language barriers.

We are one. Our goal is to create a global community interested in Justice, the Truth, the Common Good, the Well being of our Planet, and to break down fear, ignorance, prejudices and contribute to the creation of a fairer global world, conscious and free.

Our mission is to wake people up and give dignity to our marvelous planet.


Katia Novella Miller has been trained as a journalist in Italy where she worked for a national press agency and with national newspapers. She has been a freelance correspondent from the United States for Italian media and has also worked as a journalist in London (UK) and written for Spanish and Latin American magazines and online newspapers. Deeply displeased with the ‘blind’ corruption of worldwide mainstream media, the widespread admiration of power, social status and wealth, the lack of critical thinking about society and the corrupt system we live in. Despleased with the lack of interest in the real historical and cultural evolution of our societies, the lack of a real desire to understand or pursue the truth and of ethical and humanitarian values among journalists, she left behind her career. She founded KBNBWorldNews in order to offer information key to understanding the world we live in, ourselves and hopefully empower people’s ability to think with a critical mind and with new paradigms.


Katia Novella Miller does not like to identify with any nationality. She likes to think of herself as a human being of Planet Earth. She worked as a journalist for ten years in Italy, England and Spain. With a background as an artist and as a philosophy student, she is not only interested in the history of ideas and current news, she is also fond of history, cultural studies, the human mind, Native American and indigenous cultures, and is also very interested in environmental issues, human and animal rights and in the dangers posed by scientific and technological developments.

KNM is an Italian born in Peru were she spent her childhood with sporadic periods in the USA. So far she has lived in Peru, Italy, the USA, the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany and for brief periods also in Denmark and Sweden. Contact Katia Novella Miller: katianovellamiller@protonmail.com

Other Authors

KBNBWorldNews also publishes articles of other media and authors selected for republication based on the interests of our readers, our editorial line and our mission.


Claudia Snitcofsky is an Argentinian journalist and social pshycologist. She is a member of Psychosocial Emergencies in Disasters (EPS) and a activist for human rights and the environment. Claudia has been collaborating with KBNBWorldNews since 2021 as an English-Spanish translator and as a Spanish proofreader. In 2022 she has become KBNBWN’s editorial assistant. Contact Claudia: clausity@protonmail.com


Diana Patricia Balderrama Durán is a Bolivian economist with expertise in international relations & integration, economic growth & development & econometrics. She studied in Spain and Sweden. She is also a researcher on themes related to economics and human development. Passionate about law and philosophy, Diana is an educational and environmental volunteer as well. She collaborates with KBNBWorldNews since 2016, hence she is a founding collaborator of KBNBWN.

Diana creates our flyers and report’s covers. She is a multitasking collaborator. Sometimes she works as a proofreader of our articles in Spanish.  Contact Patricia Balderrama Durán: dibalderrama@gmail.com


We are able to publish in English, Spanish and Italian thanks a little net of volunteers. THANKS TO ALL OF THEM!


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E S P A Ñ O L   

KBNB WorldNews es una plataforma de información independiente, gratuita y sin publicidad,  fundada en 2016 con la intención de ofrecer información objetiva y ética, estimular el pensamiento crítico y promover la reflexión sobre temas de actualidad de amplio interés.

Publicamos reportajes sobre temas que no son cubiertos por los principales medios de comunicación y damos voz a los sin voz, a las causas a las que se les es negada difusión en los grandes medios. Actualmente publicamos cada dos o tres meses.

Nuestros temas son analizados desde una perspectiva amplia: política, histórica, cultural, psicológica… Creemos que no podemos entender nuestro presente sin entender nuestro pasado, sin comprender a los otros, nuestras mentes y la interconexión entre todas las culturas y las naciones. Y consideramos que la gente correcta, interesada en la Verdad y la Justicia, no tiene fronteras nacionales o lingüísticas.

Abrazando y construyendo puentes de comprensión cultural. En la actualidad publicamos en dos lenguas vehiculares occidentales (español e inglés) y en italiano para poder ofrecer información a un vasto público de lectores, superando así barreras culturales y lingüísticas.

Somos uno. Nuestro objetivo es crear una comunidad global interesada en la Justicia, la Verdad, el Bien Común, el Bienestar de nuestro Planeta, y derrumbar prejuicios, miedos, la ignorancia, contribuyendo a la construcción de un mundo global más justo, consciente y libre.

Nuestra misión es despertar a la gente y promover la dignidad en nuestro maravilloso planeta.


Katia Novella Miller se ha formado como periodista en Italia trabajando para una agencia de prensa nacional y colaborando con periódicos nacionales. Ha sido corresponsal desde Estados Unidos y ha trabajado como periodista también en Londres y escrito para revistas españolas y latinoamericanas. Nació en Perú, donde transurrió casi toda su infancia y ha vivido en Perú, Estados Unidos, Italia, Inglaterra, España y Alemania.  katianovellamiller@protonmail.com

Otros Autores

KBNBWorldNews también publica artículos de otros medios y autores seleccionados para ser republicados en base a los intereses de nuestros lectores, nuestra línea editorial y nuestra misión.


Claudia Snitcofsky is an Argentinian journalist and social pshycologist. She is a member of Psychosocial Emergencies in Disasters (EPS) and a activist for human rights and the environment. Claudia has been collaborating with KBNBWorldNews since 2021 as an English-Spanish translator and as a Spanish proofreader. In 2022 she has become KBNBWN’s editorial assistant. Contact Claudia: clausity@protonmail.com


Diana Patricia Balderrama Durán, Bolivia. Correctora de textos en castellano y diseñadora gráfica. Licenciada en economía, especializada en relaciones internacionales e integración; crecimiento y desarrollo económico, econometría. Investigadora en temáticas relativas al desarrollo económico y humano. Apasionada del derecho y la filosofía. Voluntaria en educación y medio ambiente. Colabora con KBNBWorldNews desde 2016. Diana es una colaboradora-fundadora de KBNBWorldNews. Diana realiza nuestros flyers para nuestra plataforma y nuestras redes sociales. Es una colaboradora multitarea. dibalderrama@gmail.com

Cristian Andrés Aravena Castro, Chile. Corrector de textos en español. Licenciado en Educación, Magíster en Lingüística Aplicada y Doctor(c) en Lingüística. Se ha formado como investigador y profesor en áreas relacionadas con la construcción del discurso pedagógico. Amante de las artes y las tradiciones culturales. Cristian colabora en varios medios informativos como editor, revisor y escritor de textos. Colabora con KBNB desde 2018. dibalderrama@gmail.com


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I T A L I A N O 

KBNB WorldNews è una piattaforma d’informazione globale, indipendente, gratuita e senza pubblicità, fondata nel 2016 con l’intenzione di offrire un’informazione obiettiva ed etica, che stimoli il pensiero critico e promuova la riflessione su temi di grande interesse.

Le nostre pubblicazioni affrontano argomenti che i principali mezzi d’informazione non coprono e diamo voce a chi non ce l’ha. Attualmente pubblichiamo ogni due o tre mesi.

I temi sono analizzati da un’ampia prospettiva, politica, storica, culturale, psicologica… Crediamo che non possiamo comprendere il presente senza capire il passato, gli altri, le nostre menti e l’interconnessione esistente tra le culture e le nazioni, così come crediamo che la gente interessata alla Verità e alla Giustizia non ha confini nazionali o linguistici.

Abbracciando e costruendo ponti di comprensione culturale. Attualmente pubblichiamo in due lingue veicolari internazionali occidentali (inglese e spagnolo) e in italiano per poter offrire informazione ad un vasto pubblico di lettori superando così barriere culturali e linguistiche.

Siamo uno. Il nostro obiettivo è creare una comunità globale interessata alla Giustizia, alla Verità, al Bene Comune, al Benessere del nostro Pianeta, demolire paure, preconcetti, l’ignoranza e contribuire ad un mondo più giusto, cosciente e libero.

La nostra missione è svegliare le menti e contribuire a dare dignità al nostro meraviglioso pianeta.


Katia Novella Miller si è formata come giornalista in Italia dove ha lavorato per una agenzia di stampa nazionale e collaborato con vari giornali. E’ stata corrispondente dagli Stati Uniti ed ha anche lavorato come giornalista a Londra e scritto per riviste spagnole e latinoamericane. E’ nata in Peru, dove ha trascorso quasi tutta la sua infanzia. Ha vissuto in Peru, gli Stati Uniti, Italia, Inghilterra, Spagna e Germania. katianovellamiller@protonmail.com

Altri Autori

KBNBWorldNews pubblica anche articolo apparsi su altri media e di altri autori selezionati in base agli interessi dei nostri lettori, la nostra linea editoriale e la nostra missione.


Claudia Snitcofsky is an Argentinian journalist and social pshycologist. She is a member of Psychosocial Emergencies in Disasters (EPS) and a activist for human rights and the environment. Claudia has been collaborating with KBNBWorldNews since 2021 as an English-Spanish translator and as a Spanish proofreader. In 2022 she has become KBNBWN’s editorial assistant. Contact Claudia: clausity@protonmail.com


Diana Patricia Balderrama Durán, Bolivia. Correttrice di bozze in spagnolo e disegnatrice grafica. Diana è un’economista specilizzata in relazioni internazionali e integrazione, crescita e sviluppo economico, econometria ed è ricercatrice di tematiche relative allo sviluppo economico ed umano. Appassionata di diritto e filosofia, si dedica anche al volontariato nei settori dell’educazione e dell’ambiente. Diana collabora con KBNBWorldNews dal 2016. Diana è una collaboratrice-fondatrice di KBNBWorldNews. Lei realizza i nostri volantini e le immagini di copertini dei nostri report. E’ una collaboratrice multi-compiti. dianabalderrama@gmail.com

Cristian Andrés Aravena Castro, Cile. Correttore di testi in spagnolo. Laureato in Educazione con Master in Linguistica Applicata. Si è formato come ricercatore e professore in aree inerenti la costruzione del discorso pedagogico. Amante delle arti e le tradizioni culturali, collabora con vari mezzi d’informazione come editore, correttore di testi e scrittore. Cristian collabora con KBNBWorldNews dal 2018.


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