The German School System Is Based on Eugenics – Yours Too!

The South Korea of Europe? The skeleton and armor of the German success, a human calamity.

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By Katia Novella Miller

REPORT. It may sound a generalized fad to say -the German school system is based on eugenics – and yours too! That’s why I want to start this article with an anecdote.

I once met a guy from Frankfurt in Berlin. At our very first date, he asked me to solve a geometry problem. Uhm? I had lived in a few countries by then and had acquaintances with some prospects of similar nature, but undeniably this was the first time that in such a ‘romantic’ occasion, I was insisted upon to solve a geometric problem – I suppose to verify my level of knowledge in mathematics or to show how clever he was! I have a funny feeling it was the former reason.

To me it was just odd. I can’t deny this can happen wherever in the world, nor want to say all Germans are so bizarre, but perhaps such a request was the result of his German educational instruction.

In no other country I have lived for a few years, I have seen the hierarchical ideas and categories of being stupid or intelligent so spread, tangible and strong. And undoubtedly the roots of this can be located in the competitive German school system where the professional and financial future of a child is decided at the early ages of 10 or 11 on the base of their academic achievements and behavior after 4 years of elementary school.

An early social selection of kids which guarantees loyalty to the national system, the preservation of the status quo, the surety of supply of hard-working people, in short the success of the German machine, and, on the other side, produces stigma, traumas, complexes and resentment, to which we need to add alienation from oneself and indoctrination.

If the definition of eugenics is ”a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, excluding people and groups judged to be inferior and promoting those judged to be superior”, which is in fact exactly what eugenics is, we can be sure that the premises and groundings of the German compulsory education are absolutely the same. Indeed we can define the German school system, as any other system alike, as beliefs and practices which goals are to improve the quality of the selected children – they would say ‘gifted children’ – promote them, and exclude the kids judged inferior by the system. There is no difference. Now let’s see how it works.

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In Germany Kindergarten is not mandatory but studies assert that only 50% of children whose parents did not graduate from school are ready for school at age 6. At-risk categories are those receiving welfare, children whose parents dropped out of school, children of teenage parents, children raised by a lone parent or in crime-ridden inner-city neighborhoods, children who have multiple young siblings, and children who live in overcrowded substandard apartments. Thus, families’ wealth and families that had not gone through this culture of factories of systematic segregation and culturalization are a barrier for the child’s success. ”If such children were enrolled in a high-quality three-year Kindergarten programme, 87% were ready for school at age six”, when the mandatory super- competitive school is started: the Grundschule.

”Who besides a degraded rabble would voluntarily present itself to be graded and classified like meat? No wonder school is compulsory”

John Taylor Gatto, United Statesian former teacher and activist against schooling and conventional teaching methods

There is no way to avoid Grundschule. In Germany homeschooling is illegal. The state says the illegality has to do ”with the prioritization of children’s rights over rights of parents: children have the right to the company of other children and adults who are not their parents.” Whether you are in favor or against this law, evidently and undeniably the state – through the Landers, the federal states that form the German nation which administrate the school system locally – have more rights on children than the parents.

Compulsory education begins in the Grundschule. It lasts 4 years. Children start it at 6 and finish at 10 or 11. There kids have to learn to be obedient and quiet. They have to learn duty and to be closed in a room for many hours: they start to be molded for their future working lives! There they learn what authority is. They are instructed to do what others (the authority) want from them, some will comply easily, many will be forced. Children are asked to learn notions they very often dislike, many of which will be completely useless in their lives. They will be taught to contend for the best marks and learn to be unempathic. They will compete for the attention, acceptance and favor of the teachers… In brief, what they learn is that satisfaction comes from official approval.

The children will have to leave their lives as kids, quit playing, break apart from their thoughts and imagination that so deeply influence each child creativity and healthy human development, and live in fear or alert and learn what trained adults command them and focus on their academic results. To do this will mean to be ‘a gifted kid’ and will guarantee their success. But children who don’t want to renounce to their own interests or are not able to adapt to that mold will fail, their self-confidence damaged if not directly destroyed, and will be discredited and stigmatized. It is not difficult to spot the perversity of all this.

John Taylor Gatto, a former New York teacher – who taught kids for 30 years! – and activist against schooling and conventional teaching methods, has observed that ”it takes about 3 years to break all kids”. Teachers treat children as if they were all identical and their goal – even if they are not aware – ”is to make the whole population alike.”

”In one degree or another all of us have been conditioned in a variety of ways to believe ordinary people are too stupid, to childish. Children are encouraged to become stupid at school”

John Taylor Gatto

After 4 years of Grundschule, when kids are 10 or 11, trained teachers give a so-called educational recommendation, a Bildungsgangempfehlung, based on scholastic achievements and classroom behaviour which will determine the future of the kid. Those with better marks and those who have shown a higher adaptation to the teachers’ authority, the ‘gifted children’, the intelligent ones, will be allowed to enroll in the Gymnasium, a 9-year university preparation school – aproximately 1/3 of all children are chosen to study at gymansium and usually they finish it at 18. These kids are the chosen ones to run the country. They will be lawyers, doctors, biologists… but only if they comply with all requirements, in that case they will be esteemed, appreciated and will go to university for free.

Teachers evaluated their obedience, and prized their industry which is not only simply a reference to industriousness (the state or quality of being hardworking). Industry is the opposite of idleness. Therefore to counter idleness, students are taught to work and are inundated with tasks meant to condition their brains to such a hyper theology. Idleness, the children’s playground, their paradise for creativity and discovery, which is also just sitting aside to think, is the enemy to combat in an ‘advanced’, work-based and hierarchical human civilization.

However, Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard said: ”idleness as such is by no means a root of evil; on the contrary, it is a truly divine life, if one is not bored (1).” And children don’t get bored. ”Idleness is so far from being the root of evil – continues Kierkegaard – that it is rather the true good. Boredom is the root of evil; it is that which must be held off. Idleness is not the evil; indeed, it may be said that everyone who lacks a sense for it thereby shows that he has not raised himself to the human level”. Any curious, creative or spiritual person will say that idleness is the needed medium for true learning and creativity as well as for our well-being. Children are deprived of that true good.

At this point it’s useful to pause on two words to clarify our ideas and understand schooling: instruction and education. As many important concepts, they were absorbed by the Germanics from Mediterranean cultures. Their meaning seem very similar, but are not. Instruction, which correspond to the German Bildung, comes from the Latin word instructio, instruction. It means to arm, to command, to set up… Instruction means inserting internal knowledge of someone trained (by the state – and the interests the state embodies) to do so into the child’s minds. Therefore it is solely indoctrination. As we all should know, the content of instruction is controlled by the states which always have their own goals and ideologies. Furthermore, through instruction the state not only put some ‘convenient’ notions in the pupil’s heads, they also insert in their minds ‘a sense of reality’, in other words: what exist, what is true, what is false, what is good, what is bad.. they create the sense and level of awareness of future adults. And as the German philosopher Immanuel Kant said: ”what we call reality is nothing else than the phenomenical world our consciousness show us.”

On the contrary, education comes from the Latin word educare, educere (a translation from a Greek concept) which means to extract from oneself, to extract from the child. Without need of going further, from our own experience we can see clearly what schooling is. It is education just if we believe adaptation and total obedience to the trained teacher’s commands is, that which the kids must need to mold their primitive, awkward, cluttered, dangerous, stupid, lazy, disrupted nature in order to ‘extract’ these qualities from the children and so on and so forth. But is this really what we think about children and about our nature as human beings?

Indoctrinated streamlining has become the dominant overpowering tool of the state to ensure subjugated future citizens, avoiding ‘knowledge enhancement’ through free thinking.

Then the other question that arises is: what is taught to children through the practice of instruction that is anything else than indoctrination?

”The institutional role of the schools for the most part is just to train people for obedience and conformity and to make them controllable and indoctrinated”

Noam Chomsky

Indisputably, instruction is the tool of transmission of directives and notions. But what directives and notions are implanted into a kid’s minds? Irrefutably those that fit the interests of the superlative state, that, as we know, are the economic interests of the elites or those in power. States and their (often unaware) proxies won’t teach the kids anything that can go against their interests and causes awareness of real problems or problematic facts. Facts that can, in a future, trigger protest and even revolts. Instruction duty is to keep the status quo alive. Some can argue that the individual can accept or reject those notions. But that’s a naive idea. Children desire the company and the positive attention of adults, are ready to learn from them, and don’t have the tools to confute what they are taught. Children are not educated for questioning what they have learnt at school – nor at university. And children become adults. In our everyday life we can see how hard is for adults to accept and change their minds and attitudes even when presented with information that contradict their beliefs. For most people is extremely difficult to face their ego and accept they were lied, that they did not know, that they were ignorant and so on. Furthermore, many people don’t know to think critically. And it’s hardly a surprise in a ‘Carrot and a stick’ model molding us since an early age.

‘’When you take the free will out of education, that makes it schooling”

John Taylor Gatto

After the Grundschule those students with high marks but lower than those needed to go to a Gymnasium, will go to a 6-year Realschule (practical school) which duty is to form technicians. This school will prepare them for careers like business, administration, civil servants… jobs that don’t require a university degree.

Those with lower grades, ‘the least intelligent’, ‘the stupid’ and least obedient won’t have any other choice than applying to a 5-year Hauptschule, an upper elementary school that prepare students for vocational or trade apprenticeship. They are deeply stigmatized and represent the most greater group of German workers. Common opinion is that the Hauptschule harbors the bottom of society. When they finish school, it’s quite difficult for them, if not impossible, to find a qualified job. They usually work as mechanics, in construction, in sales, have low pay jobs or are on welfare indefinitely – not rarely with a kind of unconscious rebellious attitude against the status quo.

M. S. was born in Berlin 50 years ago. He has two daughters who made it to Gymansium. But he himself was not among the ‘elected’, the ‘gifted kids’. ”When you finish the Grundschule at 10 or 11 and they give you the Bildungsgangempfehlung” – the so-called educational recommendation based on the student grades and behaviour – saying maybe ”you should go to a Hauptschule, you are forced to do what they recommend. If you apply to any other school they will just reject your application. Perhaps you could be able to find a Gymnasium which accept your application in a very problematic or violent area, but no one wants to send their kids there.”

The grading system in Germany runs on a scale from 1 to 6. With 1 and 2 kids can go to gymnasium, with 3 to a Realschule, all the others must go to a Hauptschule. It is necessary to highlight that the German schooling system can vary slightly Lander by Lander ( state to state). For example in some states there is the Gesamtschule, a school that combine the Hauptschule and the Realschule. Those who complete to the 9th grade receive a Hauptschule certificate, those who complete the 10th grade, a Realschule certificate. But the inner working of the system remains the same. And it’s also true that Realschule and Hauptschule students after getting their certificate and good marks can keep studying for some more years to go to Gymnasium and university, but the psychological and social damage has been already done and hardly they – or most of them – will have a real will to keep studying.

”It is in fact nothing short of a miracle that the modern method of instruction have not yet strangled the holy curiosity of enquiry. It is a grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of searching can be promoted by means of coercion and sense of duty”

Albert Einstein

The Birth of Compulsory Education For Children

It’s not by chance if some fundamental characteristics of the German schooling system are common practically to all compulsory school systems around the world. This is due to the fact that Germany, before being born as a nation, invented compulsory education for children. It was a deliberate policy to counteract the spreading values of the French Revolution of Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité (liberty, equality, fraternity).

At the end of 18th century compulsory schooling for kids was first established in the Kingdom of Prussia, under Friedrich der Große (Friedrich The Great), to stop popular discontent of the poor masses (in the mid 19th century over 90% of the population of the Austrian Empire and the German Confederation were peasants). And it was also the time of the English Industrial Revolution, when former peasants started to be locked up in rooms populated by machines – by the way, a characteristic shared, detractors of our school systems underline, with our school classes and buildings.

Friedrich der Große laid the basic foundations of a generic Prussian primary education system with his Generallandschulreglement, a decree of 1763. It required that all the young, both girls and boys, be educated by mainly municipality-funded schools from the age of 5 to 13 or 14. It focused on strict education in duty, discipline and obedience. This institution (the school) became indispensable to build our idea of our ”modern nation-state through the stimulation of the feelings for the fatherland and national honour” to rephrase the words of one of the fathers of these Prussian reforms. Schooling has been also a fundamental tool to unite different peoples with different identities and languages with a unifying language. For many, it was a weapon of aggression not inclusion.

The model was followed by the other Germanic national entities – in comparison, in France and Great Britain, compulsory schooling was not successfully enacted until the 1880s – though it was after 1919, during the Weimar Republic, that a free universal four-year elementary Grundschule was established. These school reforms, in origin a countermeasure against the upheavals caused by the values promoted by the French Revolution of Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité as we have seen, are part of a series of reforms called by the authors a revolution “im guten Sinn” or “in the right sense”, which historians later described as a “revolution from above”. In other words sovereigns and their ministers put in place reforms to gain all the advantages of a revolution without any of the disadvantages, such as losing their power or suffering from setbacks or outbreaks of violence.

”An education system deliberately designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens all in order to render the populace ‘manageable’ ”

John Taylor Gatto

The unique German tripartite system of education has been widely criticized for separating children along class lines at a very early age. According to critics, the system is widely considered within Germany to be socially useful in the sense that the upper class is able to reserve the best schools for itself without having to resort to private schools. In fact, the kids of academics and professionals have higher chances to enter into gymnasium schools and later on into universities. While supporters of the current school system hold the opinion that state-funded Realschulen and Gymnasiums offer many working-class children the possibility to move up the social ladder.

The truth is that the human cost is high. This tripartite system creates pain, resentment, complexes, stigma, a strong sense of superiority, hierarchy, hard lives, psychological trauma, existential, and social conflicts but, on the other hand, guarantees that the German machine works properly. The state, with it’s mathematical, scientific, Darwinian and economic approach, does not care about the pain, nor do most of those who were ‘intelligent children’ till the end of their indoctrination as their ego has been built by the school system itself. But without the increasingly poor German welfare state and if the country were not able to offer enough work – even if poorly paid – German society would probably be a time bomb ready to explode at any moment.

M. S. now can feel relieved from some of his wounds as a non-gifted kid believing that his daughters have made it, and are very clever. In spite of all the pain he suffered, finally he can feel proud of that same system that has produced so much trauma in his own life – does this not show the victory of the system over people? Nevertheless, after the 9-year Gymnasium and the Abitur, the final examination, his brilliant elder daughter could not freely choose her profession. ”She really wanted to study biology at the Humboldt Universität of Berlin but she needed 1 (mark) to go there and she had only 1.8. So she was adviced to study law, they said they needed lawyers, and that is what she is studying”. And as expected she is also happy.

”You either learn your way towards writing your own script in life, or you unwittingly become an actor in someone else’s script”

John Taylor Gatto

For all these reasons, some German parents that can afford it, send their sons to universities abroad or decide to pay a private university within Germany where requirement are more relaxed – private universities share less than 10% of all higher education institutions in Germany. But most Germans don’t have enough money to do so.

Ms. J., a German-Colombian woman in her thirties, has been trying to enroll into university through a Berlin Job Center (the institution which distributes social subsides like Hartz IV). She wanted to improve her living standards and has tried for 4 years but till now her request has been always turned down. This is how the German school system works, so don’t believe when uninformed outlets or German propaganda tells you that German universities are free. It’s not simple like that.

Only the ‘gifted kids’, the ‘intelligent children’, the ‘clever ones’ – to say it in a German style -many of whom won’t even be able to choose their life-long profession- will get their first degree for free (and only if they respect all terms required) though, even so, at a great human cost.

Indisputably literacy is extremely important. But it should be also important to understand all kids are genius, curious, eager to learn and explore. We are all different, with different attitudes and talents, with different curiosities and approaches to what interest us. We are not mathematics. Life can be defined as small living entities that reproduce themselves to live (Humberto Maturana, biologist and philosopher), but we are not science. On a conscious level we all get hungry and we all are wonder and feelings, creativity and curiosity. That’s our humanity and to respect this individuality of the being is to be human. Stupidity, I believe, is daughter of trauma, and we all are traumatized as a result of our human social condition and bloody history.

The indoctrination system simply wants a monkey, a horse or a fish to climb the tree at the same speed, or vice versa, to swim in the river with the same mastery, and so on. Now that expectation can only be called entirely stupid. We are all different.

Schools should not produce broken and incomplete human beings. Schools should help the children, inspire and educate (extract from them) to pursue knowledge, instead of being social depuration filters and overwhelm the kids with instruction and create more trauma for the benefit of the economy and the status quo. To keep reproducing this narrow-minded hierarchical societies that use the method of hurting the many and break, tear apart healthy and natural personalities says how evil and perverse we and our societies are.

The disastrous situation in which we are living are a clear sign of how wrong and foolish those who rule and run the world machine are, or not?

Clearly, they are clever to maintain the status quo, but not transcendence (the state of excelling or surpassing or going beyond usual limits). Schooling as it is, is just reproducing the evil our societies are, while it could be a great and powerful tool for a healthy, inspiring, affectional and happy human development.

We need better schools that serve children, families and communities not corporations and the state. We need to believe each of us is unique and not numbers. We need to believe knowledge is a far try from wisdom.

Definition of eugenics: ”a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, excluding people and groups judged to be inferior and promoting those judged to be superior.”

Definition of the German tripartite system of education: a set of beliefs and practices which goals are to improve the quality of the selected children – the ‘gifted children’ – promote them, and exclude the kids judged inferior by the system.

Do you see any difference?


(1) The fact that youngsters and adults get easily bored in their lives deserves, as a topic, a whole report.

AUTHOR. Katia Novella Miller is an independent writer and researcher interested in topics that she finds interesting and important for the common good of humanity. Her objectives are to seek the truth and to unmask our false sense of normality and reality. For more information go to About Us, if you would like to contact Katia:

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