Green Policies: Wake Up, Everything Was Planned And We Are In Peril

You can’t miss this 2019 Global Master Plan – it was all written!

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By Katia Novella Miller

This article is not to tell you a new story or analyze a new present or past event to take it out from the deceitful matrix of official narrative which keep the masses dumb, obedient and corrupt or to dissect an idea, a concept, in an attempt to open minds and hearts and clarify our vision about ourselves and the social reality we live in. This article is to remind you, if you haven’t done it yet, to read the British Absolute Zero Report, published in 2019, about which I have written in the past months, as what you will read there is blatantly becoming the exact dystopia we are living right now, specially in the West.

Officially presented as a plan exclusively for Great Britain, it could be considered a worldwide master plan for the “green” new world order (= dictatorship). Though very likely it is in Western Europe where – by the will of its political leaders is leading the global race and should become the world’s first ”carbon neutral” area of the world by 2050 and reduce its CO2 emissions by at least 55% by 2030, becoming the model all other countries should imitate – the veracity of this evil forward-looking report is, at this stage, crystal clear.

As we all should know by now, the official reason for this transition to alternative energy sources such solar and wind, abandoning the traditional energy sources, is the claim “that CO2 is a greenhouse gas that somehow goes up to the atmosphere where it forms a blanket that supposedly warms the Earth below, triggering Global Warming. Greenhouse gas emissions according to the US Environmental Protection Agency come mostly from CO2. Hence the focus on “carbon footprints.” But “what is almost never said – remarks F. William Engdahl in an excellent article published by the Canadian outlet Global Research – is that CO2 cannot soar up into the atmosphere from car exhaust or coal plants or other manmade origins.”

“Carbon dioxide is not carbon or soot. It is an invisible, odorless gas essential to plant photosynthesis and all life forms on earth, including us. CO2 has a molecular weight of just over 44 while air has a molecular weight of only 29. The specific gravity of CO2 is some 1.5 times greater than air. That would suggest that CO2 exhaust gases from vehicles or power plants do not rise into the atmosphere.” Well, now you can make your assessments and arrive at your own conclusion.

In his unmissable article Engdahl also recounts the history of Rockefeller’s “zero growth’ agenda formulated in the early 1970s which is the precursor of the green policies of our days.

As openly advised in the Absolute Zero report, governments around the world are enacting these drastic social, economic, structural and behavioral changes manipulating people.

“Changes to social norms and individual behaviors can be positively framed to appeal to human fulfillment”

Absolute Zero’s key message.

And they do this using social and psychological shocks like the pandemics, the false propaganda of global warming, economic crisis and wars: when people are shocked, confused and disoriented, usually they accept what they wouldn’t otherwise.

The social and economic transformations contemplated by the Absolute Zero report, (if you can’t read the report in English, just read the Spanish or Italian articles I wrote), include banning fossil fuel cars in Western Europe from 2035, reducing the consumption of goods and electricity by 60%, closing all minor airports, drastically reducing flight travels, (obviously only for common people), banning the consumption of real meat, promoting lab-meat and boosting the consumption of GMO vegetables and fruits. In addition, forbidding the use of cement, aluminum, paper (by reducing its consumption by 80%), leather, glass, new steel, ceramics; it plans to constrain our movements, the dismantling of many economic sectors, foresees the increase of housing prices, the banning of all shipping, the increase of energy prices in order to force people to consume less, and the protection, in reality appropriation, of wild nature, just to list some of the measures called for by the report.

“The two big challenges we face with an all electric future are flying and shipping. Although there are lots of new ideas about electric planes, they won’t be operating at commercial scales within 30 years. So zero emissions means that for some period, we’ll all stop using airplanes”

Absolute Zero report

“The most difficult problem is cement: making cement releases emissions regardless of how it’s powered, there are currently no alternative options available at scale, and we don’t know how to install new renewables or make new energy efficient buildings without it”

Absolute Zero report

“As washing, drying and ironing account for more than half of the energy uses for most clothing textiles, the industry could promote fabrics that need no ironing and support a reduction in the frequencies of washing and drying.”

Absolute Zero report

While a limited bunch of people are getting richer, most people are already forced to lowering their living standards, that is exactly what the ”green” new world order wants.

They know most people in the West and around the world are completely unaware of their real plans, while being trapped in their web and addicted to their perverse and frightening propaganda. Brainwashed by schools and universities, people are addicted to their newspapers, televisions and internet. And instead of looking for truthful information, they naively – and comfortably – believe what their media says while censuring essential information.

Indeed, just very few, it seems, allow themselves even to think that our climate depends greatly on the activity of our Sun, of what happens in the universe, in space, and not on human activity or that mainstream media is not talking about the real problems causing environmental disasters. Or know that the masters of the world are inducing climate change with geoengineering. As very few know that lab-meat is made with cancer cells would you really eat it? That lab-meat as genetically modified plants very likely cause cancer and other illnesses, that – as with the RNA vaccines – we don’t know what effects they may have on us. As very few know that “the lithium-ion battery-powered vehicles have a total “carbon footprint” when the effects of mining lithium and producing all parts are included, that is worse than diesel autos.” Or that solar and wind alternative energies are not so clean as they propagandize. Just to cite a few.

They are deceitfully and forcibly bringing us all to their new matrix-web. It’s not easy to pinpoint their steps in the whole picture, as we live in a vast world and they introduce these changes subtly and in different ways such as their ‘smart cities’: neighborhoods and towns from which people won’t be allowed to leave. Or in the Netherlands, dismantling farming and agriculture to convert the country into one of the main laboratory meat production centers. In Italy, silently introducing the last generation of GMOs (NGT/TEA) in a drought decree (last June) and lately with the European commission proposal of a new generation of ”own resources”: allegedly new taxes on extra-UE aluminum and cement. But be certain, they may go ahead slowly but unstoppably.

It’s hard to see why “they”, those who know and really rule the world, are doing this. Maybe it is, as many assert, because they believe that material and economic growth can’t be unlimited. But maybe the acceleration of the process is due to the fact that the colonizer West is losing control of its historically colonized world upon which it has built its wealth. This could be the case specially of Europe, a territory poor of raw materials and natural resources. Add to this that Western elites, in a new multipolar world, don’t want to lose competitiveness in a world full of workers with very low wages and almost no rights and possessions and, perhaps, it starts to make sense.

Therefore it won’t be a surprise if in the future, if we don’t manage to stop all this, many Europeans of the working classes will live in shacks as their homologous of other parts of the world. This seems to be the plan. But don’t forget, Western Europeans could be the “first victims”. But this is a global plan, and as such it will affect and shock all of us around the world.

Read the article (available also in Spanish and Italian) – Read the Absolute Zero report.

AUTHOR. Katia Novella Miller is an independent writer and researcher interested in topics that she finds interesting and important for the common good of humanity. Her objectives are to seek the truth and to unmask our false sense of normality and reality. For more information go to About Us, if you would like to contact Katia:

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